Title: Countdowns & Up Days - Track Moments That Matter
Subtitle: Celebrate and anticipate life’s special occasions.
Elevate your life’s journey with DaysCount, the app that helps you cherish every moment. Whether you’re counting down to a loved one’s birthday, gearing up for a big event, or counting up the days since a memorable milestone, DaysCount is your go-to for time management that resonates with your heart.
Key Features:
• Countdowns: Anticipate with excitement as you count down to the most important dates on your calendar. From holidays to personal events, DaysCount keeps the countdown going.
• Count Ups: Celebrate the time that’s passed since those special moments. Track the growth of your relationships, the age of your plants, or the time spent with your furry friends.
• Personalized Reminders: Receive local notifications to ensure you’re always in the know about what’s coming up or what’s just passed.
• Adorable Monsters: Choose from a cast of charming cartoon monsters to represent each event, adding a fun and personal touch to your time tracking.
• Desktop Widgets: See your time counts at a glance with our engaging desktop widgets. They display your chosen monster along with the day count, making every day feel special.(Paid items require membership)
"Membership" is a paid in-app purchase. Purchasing "Membership" can unlock membership privileges: 1. Add more cards 2. Add cards to widgets. One-time purchase is valid for life.
DaysCount isn’t just an app; it’s a companion that turns time into a story. Download now and start making every day count.